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Don’t buy Christmas Jumper

Don’t buy Christmas Jumper

I never bought into this tradition, maybe because I didn’t grow up in Britain and I never fully understood the reasons behind it. So if you don’t know (I didn’t) originally they were hand-made jumpers knitted from wool usually by grandma and given as Christmas presents. Now that we stepped into fast fashion and convenience era, nobody knits and everybody feels they need a new (hence word novelty) jumper every year for that infamous office party or family gathering. Tradition turned into cheap gadgets that represent what once was a part of Christmas spirit. 


To me Christmas spirit is about spending time with my family, giving to those most in need…and eating lots of food, of course.

As Christmas happens once a year we like to have special attire for that occasion. Some of us like classic festive looks while others prefer colours and patterns. And that’s ok, but I feel in 2020 there should be more awareness and understanding about the fabrics we put on our bodies.

I also think that influencers who have thousands of followers should know a little bit more about different textiles and impact of fashion industry on environment before suggesting another polyester jumper just because it’s cute.

According to environmental charity, Hubbub there are already 65 million of Christmas jumpers in Britts’ wardrobes (so enough for everyone). What’s worse, 95% of them are made almost entirely from plastic and 2 out of 5 will only be worn once.

So before you go online and purchase another Christmas jumper, consider few things.

Shop your wardrobe

You may be surprised with what you find. We put things away in the darkest corners of our wardrobes or lofts and forget about them. If you were lucky enough and stashed some festive coloured clothes (e.g. green, red, blue) then look no further.


I bought this green beauty 7 years ago when I was into colours (all of them!). I don’t wear it that often as my wardrobe is very neutral now. But I never got rid of it because I love it’s rich gemstone colour. I’m pretty sure it will stay with me forever as I’m quite comfortable now adding block colours to my simple wardrobe.

If all you want for Christmas is neutrals, wear soft and cosy jumper in snowy winter shades. Think Nordic Christmas (lots of white, grey, beige, pastels). Chunky wool or cashmere jumper with some beautiful gold jewellery will make you feel and look more luxurious and chic.


Check thrift stores

There is an abundance of Christmas jumpers in second hand shops at this time of year. If you already have a novelty jumper and you wouldn’t wear it again, swap it with your friends.

Donate to charity

Maybe instead of buying new jumper, share your money with charities or bring some supplies to your local Food Bank so those in need can enjoy Christmas too.

I’m not trying to be Grinch and ruin your Christmas, but I’m sure we can still enjoy this special time in a more conscious way and feel better about making someone else happy.

Merry Christmas!

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